Santiago Osorio Family

Edwin Osorio La Rosa

EDWIN OSORIO LA ROSA met and fell in love with a beautiful and bright classmate in medical school, ROLYNA YU LAO, from Maasin, Southern Leyte. She is the daughter of Lao Chai Bio and Esperanza Y. Casinillo. She became her girlfriend since second year med school but they did not marry until after she emigrated to the U.S.A. Their wedding was officiated by his uncle, Fr. Rudolfo Osorio at Mt. Carmel Church in NJ.

The union produced three sons, namely:

1. Michael Edwin La Rosa
2. Mark Edwin La Rosa
3. Matthew Edwin La Rosa

They are now residing in New Jersey.

Matthew, Michael, Ayen, Mark, Edwin
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
Ayen, Matthew and guest Cita at Orange Lake Country Club, Orlando, FL June 2010
Mark, Matt, Mike and guest Ebie at Orange Lake CC June 2010
Ayen at Orange Lake CC June 2010
Rosemarie, Inday Consolacion and Ayen Longwood Gardens May 2010
Ayen, Inday Consolacion Osorio-Rojo, and Rosemarie Osorio-DuenasLongwood Gardens, PA May 2010
Nang Abet, Nang Rose, Mana Gilda (sister of Ayen), friend of Nang Rose, Ayen at Longwood Gardens
Ayen, Terence, Mark, Mike and Matt Cebu, PHIL Aug 2010
Ayen with Greg and Liezl at USMA West Point, NY Oct. 2010
Matt, Mark and Mike going up to the viewing platfform Chocolate Hills, Bohol Sept 2010
Mike with Mike LA trip
Mike, Mike, Mark and Matt
CIM Reunion Las Vegas 2007
Grand Canyon, AZ
Mike, Matt and Mark Grand Canyon AZ 2005
Meteor Crater AZ 2005
Matt ready to go to his Juniors' prom 4-7-11
Michael, Matt, Mark and Ayen at Shrine of the Lady of Consolation Carey, OH 12-29-10
Mark & Matt at the side of Dalaguete church 9-8-10
Ayen and Edwin at CIM Reunion Washington, DC July 2010
Matt's confirmation at St. Andrew's church Clifton, NJ April 2010
Greg and Liezl with Family in NJ Oct 2010
at Grand Convention Center Cebu Phil Aug 2010
Shrine of Mary Queen of the Universe, Orlando, FL June 2010; Matt, Mark and Mike
Mike, Lola Pering, Mark, Ayen and Matt during Mark's HS graduation
Mark in LA shooting range courtesy of Mike Clavin
Matt LA trip
Post-party aboard the Queen Mary Long Beach Jul 2007
CIM Reunion Las Vegas 2006
Mark, Ayen, Edwin, Mike, and Matt sitting March 2005
Edwin and Ayen with Monette and JunJun in Chicago 2007
Ayen with niece Daryl at Niagara Falls